Call to Artists 2020

Washington County Artists Open Studios Tour
October 17 & 18, 2020

The eleventh annual Washington County Artists Open Studios Tour is an opportunity to share your creative space with your community, to educate about your process of art making, and to develop professionally. The tour is open to artists over 18 years of age, with a working studio located within Washington County, Oregon.

Artists must agree to be in their studio workspace and prepared to show and demonstrate part of their art making process to the public during all open hours of the tour, 10am-5pm. All work shown must be original and made by the studio artist. Sales are limited to original work or reproductions of the artist’s original work.

Participating artists will be listed with a photo of work and artist information in a printed catalog, on the web site, and may be featured on social media sites, in local media and advertising for the event. Participating artists are required to attend meetings, support fundraising and are encouraged to volunteer on one of the organizing and facilitating committees. The tour is a project of the Washington County Art Alliance, a 501(c)3 nonprofit.

Online registration opens March 1, 2020 and closes March 31, 2020.
Registration and additional information can be found here.